I'm the award winning author of three internationally acclaimed books, my debut novel The Old Neighborhood (Curbside Splendor 2014), and Mozos: A Decade Running with the bulls of Spain (Curbside Spendor 2015), which was translated as Corriendo Con Hemingway (Planeta 2016), The Pueblos (Tortoise Books 2021) and my Novella in progress Andrew Golata is a Friend of Mine which has also been optioned for a film. I was also the Staff Writer for Criminal Class Review a Literary Journal.
The Old Neighborhood
This Semi-Autobiographical novel written as a fictitious memoir follows Joe Walsh the youngest in a big mixed raced Chicago family. Winner of The Chicago Sun-Times "Best Book of 2014", the book also received acclaim and attention from The Chicago Tribune, Times of India (IN), Resonance FM (London), NPR, The Australian (AU) Book Slam (UK), El Mundo (Spain) The Week Magazine (USA & UK). The book has also been optioned for a film. It is the first installment of a three book series told in the ilk of The Studs Lonigan Trilogy.
The Pueblos: My Quest to Run 101 Bull Runs in the Small Towns of Spain
This memoir follows my adventure of two summers going into the small towns of Spain to run with the bulls while touring my memoir Corriendo con Hemingway.
Criminal Class Review
Criminal Class Review is a Literary Journal with a crime theme. One issue I helped develop was guest edited by Kent and Keith Zimmerman and featured cover art by Tony Fitzpatrick. It was a collection of the Prison Writers Program at San Quentin that the Zimmerman’s taught. I went into the Prison as part of the Criminal Class Team to compete with the Prisoners in a head-to-head competition.
This memoir traces my adventures in Spain which radically transformed my life for the better, culminating with my near fatal goring in 2014 and my friendship with iconic Basque runner Juan Pedro Lecuona. It received acclaim and attention from NBC TODAY, NPR, The Australian (AU), The Atlantic, The Telegraph (UK), Washington Post, CNN and others.
corriendo con Hemingway
The largest publisher in Spain picked up Mozos and turned it into this splendid tranlsation which received acclaim and attention in major outlets all across Spain and even landed me on the cover of Diario De Navarra, Pamplona's regional newspaper.